As children get older, it becomes increasingly difficult for schools to find the time and resources to deliver ‘high-impact’ intervention programs.
The purpose of my therapy sessions is to deliver a personalised learning program, designed to target your child’s unique learning needs.
In these sessions, I use a range of resources to build skills and confidence:
- Phonic Books Catch-Up Readers (Reading, Spelling & Vocabulary)
- Voyager Sopris REWARDS (Morphology: Reading & Vocabulary, Reading Fluency)
- Megawords (Reading, Spelling & Vocabulary - Morphology)
- Equipped for Reading Success (Phonemic Awareness)
- Fix It! Grammar (Grammar, Writing)
- The Writing Revolution (Writing)
- Writing Matters (Writing - Syntax)
- Writing With Ease & Writing With Skill (Writing)
- Logic of English (Reading, Spelling, Grammar & Vocabulary)
- Cracking the ABC Code: Rules Rule! (Spelling)
- Little Learners Love Literacy (Reading)
- Math-U-See (Mathematics)
My teaching is explicit, structured, cumulative and multisensory, in line with current research findings regarding best-practice in literacy and Maths instruction.
I supplement these resources with other materials such as games, manipulatives & apps to enhance engagement. Where appropriate, I also integrate a range of assistive technology tools into my teaching.
I support the use of structured synthetic phonics for all students, but particularly those with a learning difference like dyslexia. This is because evidence shows that structured synthetic phonics works! In my sessions, I cover all five of the 'keys to reading': phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary (including morphology!) & comprehension.
I support the use of a CRA framework (concrete, representational, abstract) when it comes to the teaching of mathematics. This involves, for example, the modeling of new concepts using concrete materials/manipulatives.
Every learning program:
is developed together with your child, in consultation with you
is informed by assessment data
draws on your child’s existing strengths and interests
Cost - $130 (50-minute session at The Dyslexia Hub in Greensborough)